Family Law Mediation
The Nebraska Parenting Act has required parties to attempt mediation to create a parenting plan, divide marital property, and resolve any financial issues prior to scheduling a final hearing date with the courts. Family law mediation is designed to encompass all areas of family law, including child custody, visitation rights, divorce, marital property rights, support obligations, and paternity. A family law attorney who is also Certified in Family Law Mediation , such as Vikki Stamm, is a crucial medium in avoiding lengthy and costly litigation, and reaching a resolution that is acceptable to all parties. While other mediators will simply assist the parties in the mediation process, Vikki has over 16 years of experience working with the District Court Judges and difficult family law issues that she will use to actually facilitate a settlement of all issues. Vikki will also use this process to educate the parties as to the likely unforeseen difficulties that litigation may entail.
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